Saturday, September 5, 2009

Proverbs 5 -- Saturday, September 5, 2009

Take a few moments and read through Proverbs 5. Jot down the things that stand out to you as you read and pray through these texts. Once you have completed that, then watch the video below.

If you need help with getting started in your devotion time, watch the video on this blog post: Introduction to Quiet Times.

If you would like me to help you with some daily accountability, just send me an email at at the end of your quiet time and video time each morning. I'll pray for you as I receive your emails and try to send out some encouragement from time to time.

Pastor Noel


Again, sorry for the video quality and YouTube. I am working to get my Vimeo feed back up.



Russ Donaho said...

GOOD STUFF. keep it up!

Mark Kifer said...

Glad you and the family made it back safely. I had the same verse in Proverbs and the scars of the past are sometimes the hardest to get around when you are down and trying to truly be what you know God desires you to be. Thank you Pastor for your faithfulness and true brotherhood.
