Tuesday, September 8, 2009

John 1 -- Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Take a few moments and read through John 1 and Proverbs 8. Jot down the things that stand out to you as you read and pray through these texts. Once you have completed that, then watch the video below.

If you need help with getting started in your devotion time, watch the video on this blog post: Introduction to Quiet Times.

If you would like me to help you with some daily accountability, just send me an email at mymornings@fbcho.com at the end of your quiet time and video time each morning. I'll pray for you as I receive your emails and try to send out some encouragement from time to time.

Pastor Noel


Again, sorry for the video quality and YouTube. I am working to get my Vimeo feed back up.



Mark Kifer said...

We truly are so blessed in many ways that we take for granted easily lose sight of the goodness of God, even in the difficult times or struggles.
The messages from God on Sunday by both Yon and Troy, as well as these devotional times so far this week have really been relevant and an added blessing to me. The load seems heavy right now and it is good to know there is a source of encouragement to hold onto each week and daily.
Please, press on for God and for all of us. FBCHO needs you and your leadership, as we together seek to do HIS will. Romans 14:17-18


Dana Martinez said...

I didn't get to do quiet time this morning due to getting up late & not having some time do it until now. I am looking forward to this every morning now. Thank You!!